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Free Fire


NOVEMBER 20 2021

Elsagina Wiranti Putri

5 Min Read


At the Booyah Day event, Garena officially released a new Evo Gun for the Free Fire game. You can get this weapon through the Luck Royale Fadeed Wheel event in the Free Fire game. The presence of the Evo Gun UMP Booyah Day 2021, of course, adds to the completeness of the Evo Gun skin collection in the Free Fire game.

It's no secret that the Evo Gun skin in Free Fire provides additional interesting statistics and additional special abilities if you have reached level 6. Of the many Evo Guns in the Free Fire game, there are 3 interesting Evo Guns because of their strong abilities. Here's more information:

AK Blue Flame Draco

This skin is the second Evo Gun skin that Garena has released in the Free Fire game. This AK Blue Flame Draco skin can add damage stats and rate of fire from your AK weapon. Not only good stats, this AK Blue Flame Draco skin can also increase additional abilities that are quite overpowered for the battlefield. At level 6, AK Blue Flame Draco can increase damage when you shoot at Gloo Wall. This ability is of course very useful, especially during open field battles where the enemy usually relies heavily on the existence of Gloo Wall.

SCAR Megalodon Alpha

This SCAR Megalodon Alpha skin was released in early 2021. As the name implies, this Evo Gun has a design like the giant shark that ruled the oceans thousands of years ago, namely Megalodon. Wrapped in red, the SCAR Megalodon Alpha looks so fierce. SCAR Megalodon Alpha has an ability which can increase damage to enemy vests and helmets. As a result, this weapon is so deadly even though the enemy has used complete protection.

M1014 Green Flame Draco

The theme of this Evo skin is almost similar to AK Blue Flame Draco. It's just a different color and appearance. Unfortunately, many think the stats given by this skin are very bad which reduces reload speed even though the damage and rate of fire increases. However, this skin has an interesting ability because it can help you penetrate your opponent's Gloo Wall. Yes, the ability of this skin gives greater damage to Gloo Wall.

So, those are 3 Evo Gun skins with interesting abilities. I hope this article is useful!






